Our mission

Nurturing a Holy Connection

at dēÎtē, our mission is to cultivate spiritual health and honor the ancestral wisdom that has guided us through the ages. drawing upon the metaphysical power of herbal healing, we strive to reconnect with our ancestor’s way of life and foster a deep connection to the Divine.

within our fast-paced modern world, we often find ourselves disconnected from the sacred and the spiritual. at dēÎtē, we recognize the importance of maintaining a profound connection with Source. by embracing a holistic approach to wellness, we aim to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.

we invite you to embark on a journey of spiritual wealth and reconnection. our timeless approach, serves as a conduit for spiritual health and optimal wellness. embrace the transformative power of our grandmother's way of life and unlock the deep reservoirs of ancestral knowledge within.

it all began with the intention to help heal my loved ones, holistically, the way my ancestors and elders had taught me to do. if eye knew someone was ill, eye would pray over them and receive divine direction as to what herbal remedy to create for their highest healing. as my elders taught me, God lives in everything, and through God’s guidance, the plants spoke their healing properties to me. eye continued to strengthen my spiritual relationship with the plants, and in return they strengthened my relationship with Source. before eye knew it, my community was coming to me and placing orders for their loved ones; from there a business was born.

still having no name for my business, eye created small batches day and night with excitement that this ancient practice was being honored again and eye was the conduit. one night, in a dream, dēîtē was shown to me. eye woke up with a deep knowing that this calling was beyond me and it would be a disservice to God to not continue forth with it.

why the name dēîtē? because God is planted within each and every one of us and as humans, we have detoured from our divinity. we have been mislead into unholy habits through our unconscious consumption of toxic media, foods and every day relations and because of this, our divinity lives dormant within us- we have lost touch with the temple within. when we clean the body, we clean the mind; when we clean the mind, we activate the spirit; for the Kingdom of God is within us. we were always meant to live as holy beings, reflections of God. it is time for you to remember and turn on your light.

using the phonetic spelling of dēîtē so that all of God’s children around the world can pronounce it.

the nazar eye in the name symbolizes the eye of God. other eyes, ie- the eye of RA or the eye of Horus, are attached to specific deities. the nazar stands alone, connected to no recorded human deity, yet it sees all. Coming from a Persian background, eye found comfort in this vision .

may you arrive to this knowledge when you need it the most; wheather you purchase a product or get inspired by remembering the dēîtē within, go about the world knowing that your light can light a thousand more.


Meet the Creatress of dēîtē...


ashlee shereen, a mystical woman of immense intrigue and captivating energy, draws her inspiration from an array of enriching realms of the ancients. immersed in the wisdom of herbalism, she explores the profound healing properties nature offers. energy medicine courses through her veins, allowing her to tap into the deep wells of spiritual energy that surround us all. her connection with god realization propels her to delve into the depths of divine inner standing, seeking enlightenment and connection with The Sacred One.
as a beacon of spiritual guidance, ashlee's unwavering dedication to philanthropy shines bright. she channels her passion, love, and knowledge to enrich the lives of others. with a gentle touch and compassionate heart, she embraces them in her care, offering them support and inner standing of their gifts throughout their unique journeys.
it is in her ancestral lineage that ashlee finds the wellspring of her profound wisdom. passed down through generations, her grand mothers' teachings have shaped her into the intuitive individual she is today. she seamlessly weaves the knowledge derived from her diverse cultural background, creating a tapestry of divinity that bridges the gap between the tangible world and the ethereal realms beyond.
with a beckoning hand extended, ashlee invites those seeking spiritual guidance and mentorship to step forward and into their light. she recognizes the inherent yearning within each of us to deepen our connection with both Self and Source. through her teachings, she unveils the tools that lie within, waiting to be discovered. from the power of herbal remedies to the transformative rituals, from dance to prayer, from community to the simple act of sharing a cup of tea, ashlee is the bridge for you to strengthen your connection and walk with God.
in her gentle presence, ashlee imparts not only knowledge but also a profound sense of happiness, health, and spiritual abundance. she illuminates the path towards a life filled with purpose and self-actualization. as the world continues to embrace the gifts she so generously shares, ashlee shereen stands as a testament to the profound possibility that lies within us all; one cup of tea at a time.


ashlee shereen

consciously curated


Consciously created for conscious consumption...

with the intention of bringing harmony, health, and healing back into your every day life.

dēîtē assists to center your thoughts, nourish your physical well-being and bring balance to your inner self; truly aligning mind, body, and soul.

Consciously created for conscious consumption, with organic herbs and the purest intentions. 



is here to serve you towards the elevation of your highest self because your optimal wellness matters.


